In this page you’ll find a bunch of links to opportunities to show your work, apply for grants, and residency’s. Some sites are free, some you will have to pay to gain access. Over the years I have used all of them to some extent or another. All these sites can be overwhelming at first. Find a few that work for you and start there. Once you get comfortable add to your list.

ArtDeadlines and Art Opportunities Monthly are similar in content, both are really good and we advertise in both. I believe they both have fee’s but don’t let that put you off. Try one for a year and if you don’t like it try the other.

College Arts Association is an academic organization with a lot of helpful resources. The link will take you directly the opportunities page. If you have time explore the other pages. showcases a variety of exhibition/residency with an emphasis on technology, video etc.  Most opportunities are international in scope.

Artist Grant offers $500 grants four times a year.

Foundation for Contemporary Arts offers emergency grants.

Artist Communities Alliance (ACA) is an international association of artist residencies.


Stay tuned and please return for updates.